Short Courses
Stay up to date, broaden your horizons and expand your network with our D-MTEC Short Courses. These non-degree courses provide you with access to cutting-edge research and an understanding of how it can be applied in practice. They last one or more days and are designed for ETH alumni and other qualified experts who want to learn more about innovative and pioneering topics such as Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Risk, and Machine Learning.

Past courses and events
Machine Learning for Industrial Applications
June & July 2024
In this four-day course, participants explored machine learning methods in industrial applications, addressing challenges like scarce labelled data, highly variable operating conditions and diverse system configurations.
- external page Professor Olga Fink, Assistant Professor of Intelligent Maintenance and Operations Systems at EPFL and external lecturer at MAS MTEC
Entrepreneurial Investments and Wealth Management
April and May 2022
This six-day course was directed at family businesses and provided an understanding of the entrepreneurial investment environment and the opportunities and constraints inherent in it.
- Professor Didier Sornette, Professor of Entrepreneurial Risks at D-MTEC. He is also associated with the departments of physics and earth sciences at ETH Zurich.
- Dr Fariba Hashemi, Lecturer. She teaches Entrepreneurial Investment and specifically designed this course to address the aspirations of the upcoming generation of family offices and family businesses.
- Professor Jan-Egbert Sturm, Professor of Applied Macroeconomics at D-MTEC. Director of the KOF Swiss Economic Institute at ETH Zurich.
- Dr Silvio Bonaccio, Head of ETH transfer. ETH transfer is the technology transfer office of ETH Zurich.
Cyber Risk
April to July 2021
ETH Lecturers
- Professor Paul Embrechts, Risk Center and RiskLab, D-MATH
- Dr Stefan Frei, Lecturer Cyber Security D-MTEC, Senior Information Security Office, SIX Digital Exchange SDX
- Professor Kenneth Paterson, Applied Cryptography Group, D-INFK
- Professor Adrian Perrig, Network Security Group, D-INFK
- Dr Patrick Schaller, Senior Scientist, Cyber Security Group, D-INFK
External Lecturers
- Erik Dinkel, Chief Information Security Officer, UniversitätsSpital Zürich
- Professor Michel Dacorogna, Partner, PRS Prime Re Solutions
- Roger Halbheer, Chief Security Advisor, Microsoft EMEA
- Professor Hannes Lubich, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
- Klaus Julich, Managing Partner, Deloitte
- Professor Marie Kratz, École Supérieure des Sciences Économiques et Commerciales
- Ivo Maritz, Senior Advisor, Monti Stampa Furrer
- Franco Monti, Partner, Monti Stampa Furrer
- Neal Pollard, Chief Information Security Officer, UBS AG
- Andreas Schönenberger, Chief Executive Office, Sanitas Group
- Iwan Stalder, Head of Group Accumulation Management, Zurich Insurance
- David Wicki-Birchler, Board Member, LEANmad
Managing in a Digital Era
21–25 June 2021
- Professor Bart Clarysse, external page LinkedIn
- Professor Marc Gruber, external page LinkedIn
- Dr Andrea Dunbar, external page LinkedIn
Future Money: From Design to Economics
3 September 2020
Keynotes & Panel Discussion
- Professor Darrell Duffie, Stanford University
- Professor Hans Gersbach, D-MTEC, ETH Zurich
- Stefan Ingves, Governor, Sveriges Riksbank
- Professor Hélène Rey, London Business School
- Professor Roger Wattenhofer, D-ITET, ETH Zurich
- Axel Weber, Chairman, UBS Group AG
- Professor Randall Wright, University of Wisconsin-Madison
5G: Balancing Opportunities and Risks
13 March 2020
- Dr Anne Bouverot, Chairperson of the Board, Technicolor
- Professor Stefano Brusoni, D-MTEC, ETH Zurich
- Martin Bürki, Managing Director, Ericsson Switzerland
- Dr Gregor Dürrenberger, D-ITET & Head of FSM, ETH Zurich
- Professor Paul Embrechts, Risk Center and RiskLab (D-MATH), ETH Zurich
- Elmar Grasser, CTO, Sunrise
- Philippe Horisberger, Director, OFCOM
- Professor Jürg Leuthold, D-ITET, ETH Zurich
- Dr Ralf Sasse, Lecturer & Senior Scientist, D-INFK, ETH Zurich
- Professor Michael Siegrist, D-HEST, ETH Zurich
Understanding and Applying Artificial Intelligence
9 November 2019
- Professor Stefan Feuerriegel; Chair of Management Information Systems, D-MTEC
- Prasad Ramakrishnan, External Lecturer, D-MTEC
Business Impact with Blockchain: From Idea to Execution
18 & 19 October 2019
- Scott Beckmeyer, Programme Manager, Blockchain Business Lab
- Alan Cabello, General Manager, Blockchain Business Lab
- Axel Zeijen, Chair of Technology and Innovation Management, D-MTEC
You Incorporated
27 June 2019
- Prasad Ramakrishnan, External Lecturer, D-MTEC
- Barbara Rübel, Managing Partner, Brand Essence AG
Design Thinking: A Human-Centred Approach to Problem Solving
5 & 6 April 2019
- Dr Florian Rittiner, External Lecturer, D-MTEC
Fees and terms of participation
Cancellations must be carried out by e-mail. The cancellation is only valid once it has been confirmed by the course administrator. Not paying the event fee does not count as a cancellation.
Cancellations can be made 30 days before the event at no costs. For cancellations between 11-29 days prior the course, you will be refunded 50% of the fees. You will not be refunded any fees for cancellations submitted 10 days or less prior to the course or for not attending the course in full.
ETH Zurich
Weinbergstrasse 56/58