SusTec calls for papers – the 11th ETH Academy on Sustainability and Technology
The interplay between policies, technologies and organisations in the next phase of sustainable development will be the focus of the 11th ETH Academy on Sustainability and Technology from 23 to 28 June 2019. This seminar is a unique platform for doctoral students and junior researchers from various backgrounds to present research that combines different perspectives in the field of sustainability. MTEC’s chair for Sustainability and Technology (SusTec) is calling for papers!
In 1987, the iconic report “Our Common Future” outlined the connectedness between the socioeconomic and the biophysical realities of our planet, irreversibly binding together development and sustainability. Yet three decades after its publication, progress on sustainable development is advancing only at a slow pace.
Two global landmark efforts in 2015, the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement, marked the beginning of a new phase of sustainable development – a phase that calls for stronger engagement and commitment from all parts of society.
Policymakers will need to design more effective and flexible policies to foster the deployment of sustainable technologies and their integration into existing and new infrastructure. Engineers and entrepreneurs will play a key role in developing technologies and strategies for leveraging the opportunities that arise with emerging social and environmental needs. Innovative leadership and management will be crucial for embedding sustainable development in companies across all sectors.
This year’s academy focuses on research on the interplay between policies, technologies, and organisations in this new phase of sustainable development. We provide a unique platform for junior researchers (doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers) with a background in engineering, management, economics, and political science to present their work to an audience of like-minded scholars and an international faculty with a record of accomplishments in research on energy and climate policy, environmental entrepreneurship and business, and sustainable technologies.
Participants will receive detailed feedback on their research design, theoretical approaches and methodology. In addition, there will be plenty of room for informal discussions and networking with other junior scholars and professors. Students in previous years have come from, among other institutions, EPF Lausanne, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Oxford University, Stanford University, the Technical University of Munich and the University of Cambridge.
Visit the directly.
The ETH Academy on Sustainability and Technology 2019 will take place from 23 to 28 June 2019 in a hotel in the Swiss Alps. The seminar is limited to 15 participants. The participation fee is CHF 450, which covers accommodation, meals and excursions. The application deadline is 15 March 2019. Further information can be found here