D-MTEC Media Update – scaling up face shield production made at ETH

D-MTEC experts address issues of society, economy, and business. The D-MTEC Media Update lists their recent articles, interviews, and commentaries. Last week, the first mass-produced shields by the helpfulETH-initative have been delivered to hospitals. D-MTEC's Professor Torbjørn Netland helped to scale up production.

doctors with faceshields
Thumbs up for helpfulETH. (Photograph: Spital Männedorf / Sven Staender)

Face shield fast track

Torbjørn Netland | Chair of Production and Operations Management

  • 26.06.2020 | ETH News | English, German | Text

One software for all documents

Stefan Feuerriegel | Chair of Management Information Systems

  • 22.06.2020 | ETH News | English, German | Text

Less apprenticeship decline than expected

Ursula Renold | Chair of Education Systems

The D-MTEC Media Update lists reports, interviews, commentaries, and features of the departments affiliates that are available online. Access to some of the articles may be restricted to paying customers of the media company. Some links may have expired.

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