D-MTEC Media Update – youth employment at risk

D-MTEC experts address issues of society, economy, and business. The D-MTEC Media Update lists their recent articles, interviews, and commentaries. Ursula Renold, Professor for Education Systems, explains that youth unemployment is generally high during summer and will further increase during a recession. KOF Director Jan-Egbert Sturm backs suggestions to support corporate investments with corona loans.

girl looking for job on billboard
Hunting grounds. Image: Shutterstock / STELKO.

Mobility and buying behaviour return to pre-crisis levels

 KOF Swiss Economic Institute

Nominal wages are barely lowered

Anne Kathrin Funk | KOF Swiss Economic Institute

Economy needs federal support for investments

Jan-​Egbert SturmKOF Swiss Economic Institute

Recession exacerbates youth unemployment

Ursula Renold | Chair of Education Systems


The D-MTEC Media Update lists reports, interviews, commentaries, and features of the departments affiliates that are available online. Access to some of the articles may be restricted to paying customers of the media company. Some links may have expired.

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