D-MTEC Media Update – Labour market reacts to easing with delay

D-MTEC experts engage with issues that affect society, the economy and business. The D-MTEC Media Update provides links to recent articles, interviews and commentary. The unemployment rate in the hospitality industry is 7%. At the same time, many restaurants complain that they can hardly find enough staff. Daniel Kopp, labour specialist at the KOF Swiss Economic Institute, says this is because the labour market needs time to adjust to the rise in demand after the sudden easing of lockdown measures.

The personnel shortage differs from region to region, but workers are often bound to their region and unable to move. Image: pch.vector - de.freepik.com / Edit: Dario Spilimbergo

Labour market reacts to easing with delay

Daniel Kopp | KOF Swiss Economic Institute

7 ways to invest in better digital technology to fight pandemics

Stefan Feuerriegel | Chair of Management Information Systems
Joel Persson | Chair of Management Information Systems

Algorithms can amplify good, but also bad effects

Alexander Ilic | Chair of Information Management

The D-MTEC Media Update provides links to reports, interviews, and commentaries featuring department members and departmental affiliates. Access to some of the articles may be restricted to paying customers of the media company through which they appear. Some links may have expired.

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