D-MTEC Media Update – Approaching the real CO2 price

D-MTEC experts engage with issues that affect society, the economy and business. The D-MTEC Media Update provides links to recent articles, interviews and commentary. The price of electricity is composed of various factors, including the cost for the right to emit CO2. Massimo Filippini, Professor of Energy and Public Economics explains how CO2 certificate markets reflect the 'polluter pays' principle and why electricity prices are increasing.

Companies must buy the rights to emit CO2. Image: TR STOK/Shutterstock.

"The price of the right to pollute is determined by demand and supply"

Massimo Filippini | Chair of Energy and Public Economics

Former Director of KOF Swiss Economic Institute, Hans Würgler, deceased

KOF Swiss Economic Institute


The D-MTEC Media Update provides links to reports, interviews, and commentaries featuring department members and departmental affiliates. Access to some of the articles may be restricted to paying customers of the media company through which they appear. Some links may have expired.

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