Prof. Dr. Antoine Bommier
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Prof. Dr. Antoine Bommier
Full Professor at the Department of Management, Technology, and Economics
Deputy head of Dep. of Management, Technology, and Ec.
- Work phone +41 44 632 38 10
- Tel: +41 44 633 80 49
- contactsV-Card (vcf, 1kb)
- “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches” in Economics, University of Toulouse (2005)
- Master in Economic Demography, Institut d'Etudes Politiques (1994)
- BA in Anthropology, University Paris X (1991)
- Ph. D. in Mathematics, Ecole Polytechnique (1993)
- Ecole Normale Supérieure (Mathematics) (1986-1991)
Main Professional Experience
- Professor at ETH Zurich; Chair of Integrative Risk Management and Economics (since 2010)
- Directeur de Recherche (Senior Researcher) at CNRS; Toulouse School of Economics (since 2005 - on leave)
- Member of the Steering Committee of the ETH Risk Center (2020 on-going)
- Visiting Professor at University Paris-Nanterre (2020)
- Chairman of the Steering Committee of the ETH Risk Center (2018-2020)
- Visiting researcher Paris Scholl of Economics (in 2017 for 6 months)
- Visiting Researcher, CES, University Paris 1 (2005-2007)
- Chargé de Recherche at CNRS, University of Toulouse (2002 -2005)
- Associate Researcher at the Laboratoire d’Economie Appliquée (LEA-INRA) (1999-2003)
- Associate Professor at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques (1997-2001)
- Chargé de Recherche at the Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques (1995-2002)
- Post-Doc., University of California, Berkeley (Department of Demography) (1994-1995)
2013 Robert C. Witt Award - American Risk and Insurance Association
Editorial Activities
Associate Editor of "Decisions in Economics and Finance"
Published Articles
- Arnaud Goussebaile, Antoine Bommier, Amélie Goerger, Jean-Philippe Nicolai, "Altruistic Foreign Aid & Climate Change Mitigation", external page Environmental & Resource Economics, 84, 219-239 (2023)
- Eric André, Antoine Bommier and Francois Le Grand, "The Impact of Risk Aversion and Ambiguity Aversion on Annuity and Saving Choices", external page Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 65, 33-56, (2022)
- Antoine Bommier and Hélène Schernberg, "Would you Prefer your Retirement Income to Depend on your Life Expectancy?" external page Journal of Economic Theory (2021) 191: 105126
- Hansjörg Albrecher, Antoine Bommier, Damir Filipovic, Pablo Koch, Stéphane Loisel and Hato Schmeiser, “Insurance: Models, Digitalization, and Data Science”, external page European Actuarial Journal, (2019) 9: 349-360
- Antoine Bommier, Asen Kochov and Francois Le Grand, "Ambiguity and Endogenous Discounting”. external page Journal of Mathematical Economics, Volume 83, pp. 48-62, 2019.
- Antoine Bommier and Francois Le Grand "Risk Aversion and Precautionary Savings in Dynamic Settings", external page Management Science 65(3): 1386-1397, 2019.
- Antoine Bommier, "A Dual Approach to Ambiguity Aversion", external page Journal of Mathematical Economics, Vol. 71, pp. 104-118, 2017.
- Antoine Bommier, Asen Kochov and François Le Grand, "On Monotone Recursive Preferences", external page Econometrica, Vol. 85, Issue 5, pp. 1433-1466, 2017.
- Antoine Bommier, Lucas Bretschger and Francois Le Grand, "Existence of Equilibria in Exhaustible Resource Markets with Economies of Scale and Inventories". external page Economic Theory, Vol. 63(3): 687-721, 2017.
- Antoine Bommier, Bruno Lanz and Stéphane Zuber, "Models-as-usual for unusual Risks? On the Value of Catastrophic Climate Change." external page Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol. 74: 1-22, 2015.
- Antoine Bommier and Francois Le Grand, "Too Risk Averse to Purchase Insurance? A Theoretical Glance at the Annuity Puzzle". external page Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Vol. (48): 135-166, 2014.
- Antoine Bommier, "Life-Cycle Preferences Revisited", external page Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol. 11(6): 1290-1319, 2013.
- Antoine Bommier and Bertrand Villeneuve, "Risk Aversion and the Value of Risk to Life". external page Journal of Risk and Insurance, Vol. 79(1): 77-104, 2012. - This paper was selected as the best article published in the Journal of Risk and Insurance, 2012, and was awarded the Robert C. Witt Award.
- Antoine Bommier and Stéphane Zuber, “The Pareto Principle of Optimal Inequality”. external page International Economic Review, Vol. 53(2), pp. 593-608, 2012.
- Antoine Bommier, François Le Grand and Arnold Chassagnon, "Comparative Risk Aversion: A formal Approach with Applications to Saving Behaviors". external page Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 147(4), pp. 1614-1641, 2012.
- Antoine Bommier, Marie-Louise Leroux and Jean-Marie Lozachmeur, "On the Public Economics of Annuities with Differential Mortality" external page Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 95(7-8), pp. 612-623, 2011.
- Antoine Bommier, Marie-Louise Leroux and Jean-Marie Lozachmeur, "Differential Mortality and Social Security’". external page Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 44(1) 2011, pp. 273-289, 2011.
- Antoine Bommier, Tim Miller, Ronald Lee and Stéphane Zuber, “Who Wins and Who Loses? Public Transfer Accounts for US Generations Born 1850 to 2090”. external page Population and Development Review, Vol. 36(1):1-26, 2010.
- David Bardey, Antoine Bommier and Bruno Jullien, "Retail Price Regulation and Innovation: Reference Pricing in the Pharmaceutical Industry". external page Journal of Health Economics, Vol. 29(2): 303-316, 2010.
- Antoine Bommier. "Portfolio choice under uncertain lifetime". external page Journal of Public Economic Theory, Vol. 12(1): 57-73, 2010.
- Antoine Bommier and Stéphane Zuber, "Can Preferences for Catastrophe Avoidance Reconcile Time Discounting with Intergenerational Equity?". external page Social Choice and Welfare, Vol.(31): 415-434, 2008.
- Stéphane Zuber, Antoine Bommier, Jérôme Bourdieu et Akiko Suwa, "Transferts publics d'éducation et de retraite en France (1850-2000): au bénéfice de quelles générations ?". external page Économie et Prévision, Vol.(180): 1-17, 2007.
- Antoine Bommier, "Risk Aversion, Intertemporal Elasticity of Substitution and Correlation Aversion". Economics Bulletin, Vol.(29): 1-8, 2007.
- Antoine Bommier, "Uncertain Lifetime and Intertemporal Choice: Risk Aversion as a Rationale for Time Discounting". external page International Economic Review, Vol. 47(4): 1223-1246, 2006.
- Antoine Bommier and Jean-Charles Rochet, "Risk Aversion and Planning Horizons". external page Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol. 4(4): 708-734, 2006.
- Antoine Bommier, Thierry Magnac, Muriel Roger and Benoît Rapoport "Droits à la retraite et mortalité différentielle". external page Economie et Prévision, 168:1-16, 2006.
- Antoine Bommier and Pierre Dubois, "Rotten Parents and Child Labor". external page Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 112(1): 240-48, 2004.
- Antoine Bommier and Sylvie Lambert, "Human capital investments and family composition". external page Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 11(3): 193 – 196, 2004.
- Antoine Bommier, Thierry Magnac and Muriel Roger, "Le marché du travail à l'approche de la retraite". external page Revue Française d’Economie, Vol. 18(1): 23-82, 2003.
- Antoine Bommier and Ronald Lee, "Overlapping Generations Models with Realistic Demography". external page Journal of Population Economics, Vol.16(1): 111-134, 2003.
- Antoine Bommier and Guy Stecklov, "Defining health inequality: why Rawls succeeds where social welfare theory fails". external page Journal of Health Economics, Vol. 21(3): 497-513, 2002.
- Antoine Bommier, Thierry Magnac and Muriel Roger, "Quels sont les effets des modifications des systèmes de retraite sur les taux d’activité des travailleurs âgés ?". external page Revue Française d’Economie, Vol.16(1): 79-124, 2001.
- Florence Arestoff and Antoine Bommier, "Efficacité relative des écoles publiques et privées à Madagascar: étude en période de restriction budgétaire". external page Revue d’Economie du Développement, 3:51-73, 2001.
- Antoine Bommier and Sylvie Lambert, "Education Demand and Age at School Enrollment in Tanzania". external page The Journal of Human Resources, Vol. 35(1): 177-203, 2000.
- Antoine Bommier, "Peut-on compter sur ses parents pour assurer ses vieux jours : l'exemple de la Malaisie". external page Economie et Prévision, n°122 1995-5: 75-86, 1995.
- Antoine Bommier, "Prolongement méromorphe de la matrice de diffusion pour les problèmes à N corps à longue portée". external page Mémoire de la Société Mathématique de France n° 59 (64 pages), 1994.
- Antoine Bommier, "Propriétés de la matrice de diffusion 2 amas- 2 amas pour les problèmes à N corps à longue portée". external page Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Vol. 59(3): 237-267, 1993.
- Dominique Delande, Antoine Bommier and Jean-Claude Gay, "Positive Energy Spectrum of the Hydrogen Atom in Magnetic Field".
external page Physical Review Letters, 66(2), 1991. - Dominique Delande, Jean-Claude Gay and Antoine Bommier, "Atomic quantum states with maximum localization on classical elliptical orbits". external page Physical Review A, 39(12), 1989.
Chapters in Books
- Antoine Bommier,"Transferts entre ménages et générations" in La Côte d’Ivoire à l’aube du XXIe siècle. Défis démographiques et développement durable,
Georges Tapinos, Philippe Hugon and Patrice Vimard, eds. Karthala, Paris, 2002. - Antoine Bommier and David Shapiro, "L'approche économique de la demande d'éducation",
in La demande d'éducation en Afrique : état des connaissances et perspectives de recherche,
Marc Pilon et Yacouba Yaro, eds, UEPA, Dakar, 2000. - Antoine Bommier and Sylvie Lambert, "Stratégies familiales et scolarisation en Tanzanie", in Développement et transition vers l’économie de marché,
D. Benali, A. Bsais, P. Guillaumont, A. Martens, L. Oyoubi et J-P. Platteau, éditeurs, Editions de l’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie, 1998. - Antoine Bommier, Dominique Delande and Jean-Claude Gay, "Elliptic Atomic States" in Atoms in Strong Fields,
Plenum Press, New-York, 1990.
Working Papers
- M. Fleurbaey et al's "external page The Ex Post Egalitarian Manual for Publishing the Unpublishable: Response to the Rejoinder", available at SSRN 5107216, 2025 -
- A. Bommier, F. Le Grand, D. Harenberg, "external page Recursive Preferences and the Value of Life. Theory and Application to Epidemics", SSRN, 2024
- A. Bommier, H. Schernberg,"The ex post egalitarian manual for publishing the unpublishable", SSRN,, 2024
- Antoine Bommier: external page Mortality Decline, Impatience and Aggregate Wealth Accumulation with Risk-Sensitive Preferences.
- Antoine Bommier and Francois Le Grand: external page A Robust Approach to Risk Aversion.
- Antoine Bommier, Daniel Harenberg and Francois Le Grand: external page Household Finance and the Value of Life
- Antoine Bommier, Daniel Harenberg and Francois Le Grand: external page Recursive Preferences and the Value of Life: A Clarification
Chapters in Books
- Antoine Bommier,"Transferts entre ménages et générations" in La Côte d’Ivoire à l’aube du XXIe siècle. Défis démographiques et développement durable, Georges Tapinos, Philippe Hugon and Patrice Vimard, eds. Karthala, Paris, 2002.
- Antoine Bommier and David Shapiro, "L'approche économique de la demande d'éducation", in La demande d'éducation en Afrique : état des connaissances et perspectives de recherche, Marc Pilon et Yacouba Yaro, eds, UEPA, Dakar, 2000.
- Antoine Bommier and Sylvie Lambert, "Stratégies familiales et scolarisation en Tanzanie", in Développement et transition vers l’économie de marché, D. Benali, A. Bsais, P. Guillaumont, A. Martens, L. Oyoubi et J-P. Platteau, éditeurs, Editions de l’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie, 1998.
- Antoine Bommier, Dominique Delande and Jean-Claude Gay, "Elliptic Atomic States" in Atoms in Strong Fields,
Plenum Press, New-York, 1990.