Prof. Dr. Hans Gersbach

Prof. Dr.  Hans Gersbach

Prof. Dr. Hans Gersbach

Full Professor at the Department of Management, Technology, and Economics

ETH Zürich

Makroökonomie, Gersbach

LEE F 101

Leonhardstrasse 21

8092 Zürich


Additional information

Research area

Macroeconomics, Political and Institutional Economics, Banking and Money, General Equilibirum Theory

Hans Gersbach's current research focuses on the design of new economic and politicial institutions for the well-being of society. It also includes monetary theory and policy, innovation and growth, epidemic diseases, banking and financial stability, and general equilibrium theory. 

 Co-Director KOF Swiss Economic Institute




Since Membership
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Berlin
Research Fellow of CEPR, London
Research Fellow of CESifo, Munich
Research Fellow of IZA, Bonn



Contributions in Journals

Working Papers

Books and Contribution in Books

Other Publications

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