Information events

Our information events are the ideal opportunity to get to know the MSc MTEC, receive information first-hand, and talk to our team, to members of the faculty and to students. We present the MSc MTEC on three occasions per year.

MSc MTEC Info Event

Presentation of the MSc MTEC programme for Bachelor students studying in Switzerland.

Date: 20 March 2025

At the MSc MTEC Info Event, you will learn about the key features of the MSc MTEC programme, and have the opportunity to talk to  students and programme staff.

Introduction to the MSc MTEC programme

Portrait Carrie Joda

Carrie Joda
Coordinator of Studies

Student perspective "My MSc MTEC Experience"

Exchange with programme staff and students 

This event is aimed at prospective students with a Swiss Bachelor's degree who can apply during the second application window in April. With a Bachelor's degree from abroad, we encourage you to join the MSc MTEC session at the Master Your Master event.

Applications from candidates who earned their Bachelor's/undergraduate degree outside Switzerland are only be accepted in November for a start of studies in autumn of the following year.

Information Days at ETH Zurich

Presentation of all study programmes at ETH Zurich in German for highschool graduates.

Date: September 2025, exact dates to be announced
to be announced
ETH Main Building, MSc MTEC presentations to be announced

During the two-​​day ETH Information Days fair you will get first-​​​hand information about the MSc MTEC programme and a taste of current research at D-MTEC. You can visit our booth all day in the main hall of the ETH main building. In the early afternoon of each day, we feature presentations of our programme and the research that's behind it.

The ETH Information Days is a German-​​speaking event. The MSc MTEC programme will be presented in German, but the impulse lectures are held in English. You are welcome to ask questions in either of the two languages.

Master Your Master

Presentations of all specialised Master's programmes at ETH Zurich (including the MSc MTEC) for Bachelor students.

Date: Autumn 2025
Time: tbd
Location: online

Attending a "Master your Master" event is a great way for you to learn more about the specialised Master's degree programmes offered at ETH Zurich, as well as the application and admissions process.

During the MSc MTEC session our team and some of our students will introduce the MSc MTEC and will be available to answer your questions.

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