D-MTEC Media Update – supporting the economy during the corona crisis

D-MTEC experts address issues of society, the economy, and business. The D-MTEC Media Update lists their recent articles, interviews, and commentaries. The coronavirus spread has given rise to major uncertainty about the present and the future. Dr Michael Siegenthaler (Head of the Labor Market Section at KOF) points out that the pandemic could trigger a financial crisis where economic long-term losses could be much greater than short-term costs of the aid programmes.

Bundeshaus Bern 1983.
Bern on shaky ground. Image: ETH-Bibliothek Zürich, Bildarchiv

How to Cope with Home Working

Petra Schmid | Chair of Organizational Behavior

Supporting the Economy

Michael Siegenthaler | KOF Swiss Economic Institute
Jan-Egbert Sturm | KOF Swiss Economic Institute

Proposition of a 100-Billion Relief Fund to Fight the Coronavirus Downturn

Hans Gersbach | Chair of Macroeconomics
Jan-Egbert Sturm | KOF Swiss Economic Institute

Original Publication

  • 17.03.2020 | Ökonomenstimme | German | external pageText
  • 19.03.2020 | ETH D-MTEC News | English | Text


The D-MTEC Media Update lists reports, interviews, commentaries, and features of the departments affiliates that are available online. Access to some of the articles may be restricted to paying customers of the media company. Some links may have expired.

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