D-MTEC Media Update – revisiting financial aid, organic farming, and ventilator production

D-MTEC experts address issues of society, the economy, and business. The D-MTEC Media Update lists their recent articles, interviews, and commentaries. Are short-time work and loans enough to deal with the corona crisis? Jan-Egbert Sturm, Head of KOF Swiss Economic Institute, proposes non-repayable financial support for SMEs. In other news, Robert Finger, Professor for Agricultural Economics and Policy, backs the Bernese initiative to promote organic farming.

Zürich Paradeplatz
Switzerland parading fast support for SMEs. Image: Shutterstock / Denis Linine

Rising unemployment

Jan-Egbert Sturm | KOF Swiss Economic Institute
Michael Siegenthaler | KOF Swiss Economic Institute

Long-term economic stabilisation beyond loans

Jan-Egbert Sturm | KOF Swiss Economic Institute

Solving the ventilator shortage

Torbjørn Netland | Production and Operations Management

  • 06.04.2020 | Zukunftsblog | English | Text

Ask the expert: Jan-Egbert Sturm on the corona crisis

Jan-Egbert Sturm | KOF Swiss Economic Institute

  • 06.04.2020 | Zukunftsblog | English | Video

Swiss policy as paragon to safeguard SME liquidity

Hans Gersbach | Chair of Macroeconomics

Organic zeitgeist struggles with self-induced price-distortions

Robert FingerAgricultural Economics and Policy

Home alone

Petra Schmid | Chair of Organizational Behavior

  • 04.04.2020 | ETH Podcast #COVID-​19 | English | Audio

The D-MTEC Media Update lists reports, interviews, commentaries, and features of the departments affiliates that are available online. Access to some of the articles may be restricted to paying customers of the media company. Some links may have expired.

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