D-MTEC Media Update – predictions on crime and GDP

D-MTEC experts address issues of society, economy, and business. The D-MTEC Media Update lists their recent articles, interviews, and commentaries. The Global Economic Barometer, co-developed by KOF Swiss Economic Institute shows that the global economy has passed its low point. KOF Director Jan-Egbert Sturm states that accelerating the economy comes next. In other news, D-MTEC researchers demonstrate in a case study that individual mobility data can serve as a predictor for crime.

The Global Economic Barometers (coincident and leading) co-developed by KOF Swiss Economic Institute allow timely analyses of the global GDP based on economic tendency surveys conducted in more than 50 countries. Find out more on the KOF web page

Global Economic Barometer in field-festing

Jan-​Egbert SturmKOF Swiss Economic Institute
Michael GraffKOF Swiss Economic Institute
Oliver MüllerKOF Swiss Economic Institute
Klaus AbbergerKOF Swiss Economic Institute

Uncovering crime patterns using location data

Stefan Feuerriegel | Chair of Management Information Systems

  • 16.07.2020 | ETH News | German & English | Text

Acceleration is the next step of economic recovery

Jan-​Egbert SturmKOF Swiss Economic Institute


The D-MTEC Media Update lists reports, interviews, commentaries, and features of the departments affiliates that are available online. Access to some of the articles may be restricted to paying customers of the media company. Some links may have expired.

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