D-MTEC Media Update – 13% more apprenticeship applications than last year

The D-MTEC experts engage with issues that affect society, the economy and business. The D-MTEC Media Update provides links to recent articles, interviews and commentaries. Lehrstellen-Puls, an apprenticeship platform co-developed by D-MTEC’s Chair of Education Systems, tracks an increase of 13 percent of applications for apprenticeship in Switzerland compared to last year. Especially the apprenticeships in the commercial sector are popular among the young applicants.
D-MTEC Media Update – Reconciling work and family
The D-MTEC experts engage with issues that affect society, the economy and business. The D-MTEC Media Update provides links to recent articles, interviews and commentaries. Gudela Grote, Professor of the Chair of Work and Organizational Psychology, states that good relations between employers and staff allow for more flexible working in Switzerland than elsewhere, but there is room to improve.
D-MTEC Media Update – Surge in savings and bankruptcies
The D-MTEC experts engage with issues that affect society, the economy and business. The D-MTEC Media Update provides links to recent articles, interviews and commentaries. Yngve Abrahamsen, a researcher at the KOF Swiss Economic Institute, notes increased savings among Swiss people of up to 19% in total volume caused by a lack of spending opportunities. At the same time, his colleagues Heiner Mikosch and Florian Eckert report a rise in Swiss bankruptcies.
D-MTEC Media Update – Towards a greener economy
D-MTEC experts engage with issues that affect society, the economy and business. The D-MTEC Media Update provides links to recent articles, interviews and commentaries. Switzerland is well-suited to green its economy, however, production at scale remains a bottleneck, says Massimo Filippini. He is Professor of Energy and Public Economics and encourages the formation of green companies forming consortia to foster transformation towards both a greener economy and society.
D-MTEC Media Update – The Importance of informal exchange
D-MTEC experts engage with issues that affect society, the economy and business. The D-MTEC Media Update provides links to recent articles, interviews and commentaries. This week Gudela Grote, Professor of Work and Organizational Psychology, discusses the informal exchanges missing in the home office. Florian Hälg of KOF expects 30% fewer overnight stays during the coming winter season. Jan-Egbert Sturm, KOF Director, emphasises the necessity of restrictions affecting the food service industry.