D-MTEC Media Update – The Importance of informal exchange

D-MTEC experts engage with issues that affect society, the economy and business. The D-MTEC Media Update provides links to recent articles, interviews and commentaries. This week Gudela Grote, Professor of Work and Organizational Psychology, discusses the informal exchanges missing in the home office. Florian Hälg of KOF expects 30% fewer overnight stays during the coming winter season. Jan-Egbert Sturm, KOF Director, emphasises the necessity of restrictions affecting the food service industry.

coffe time by andreas hofer
It is important to establish social contacts when working from a home office – for example, through online coffee breaks. Illustration by Andreas Hofer. www.andreashofer.ch

Workplace interruptions lead to psychobiological stress

Jasmine Kerr | Chair of Technology Marketing
Mara Nägelin | Chair of Technology Marketing
Raphael Weibel | Chair of Technology Marketing

Original press release (ETH News 23.10.2020): Text D / Text E

Link to Study: external pageThe effects of acute work stress and appraisal on psychobiological stress responses in a group office environment

Restrictions in the food service industry are necessary now to prevent full closure of the branch in the future

Jan-Egbert Sturm | KOF Konjukturforschungsstelle

The tourism industry is facing its worst slump since World War II

Florian Hälg | KOF Konjukturforschungsstelle

How to create space for informal exchange from the home office

Gudela Grote | Chair of Work and Organizational Psychology

A digital currency for Switzerland?

Hans Gersbach | Chair of Macroeconomics: Innovation and Policy

The D-MTEC Media Update provides links to reports, interviews, and commentaries featuring department members and departmental affiliates. Access to some of the articles may be restricted to paying customers of the media company through which they appear. Some links may have expired.

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