D-MTEC Media Update – A new book on the digitalisation of health

D-MTEC experts engage with issues that affect society, the economy and business. The D-MTEC Media Update provides links to recent articles, interviews and commentaries. Elgar Fleisch, Professor at the Chair of Information Management is one of the authors of a new book called "Die Digitale Pille" (The Digital Pill). He calls for faster networking of health data for which obligatory standards among all participants in the health system are decisive.

Despite the rapid digitalisation of health, doctors and therapists will still be needed. Shutterstock / Mascha Tace

Apprentices face learning gaps

Ursula Renold | Chair of Education Systems

The digital pill: knowledge is part of healing

Elgar Fleisch | Chair of Information Management

Effect of school closures on corona cases

Stefan Feuerriegel | Chair of Management Information Systems


The D-MTEC Media Update provides links to reports, interviews, and commentaries featuring department members and departmental affiliates. Access to some of the articles may be restricted to paying customers of the media company through which they appear. Some links may have expired.

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