Looking back and forward
D-MTEC wishes happy holidays and a fantastic start into the new year! 2022 has been an exciting year in our community and we are happy to share a short video with some memories from the last couple of months. We are looking forward to be back starting 9th of January.
MTEC Day 2022
On 4 November 2022, the MTEC Department honoured its MSc, MAS and doctoral graduates at this year’s MTEC Day. MTEC Day is an annual event that brings together graduates, alumni, faculty and key stakeholders from business and academia with the aim of strengthening the personal and professional relationships between them.
MTEC Doctoral Retreat 2022: Kicking off the Doctorate in a former Cistercian monastery
From 21 to 23 August, 24 incoming doctoral candidates took part in the ninth annual D-MTEC Doctoral Retreat, a three-day onboarding seminar at which they discussed teaching and research practices with members of the department. They also enjoyed a hike and plenty of coffee.
The Role of Immersive Technologies in the Future of the Knowledge Industry
How might immersive technologies be used in future collaborations between industrial knowledge workers? MSc MTEC graduate Niklas Friederici developed three scenarios in his Master's thesis, for which he won the 2021 Ernst Blickle Graduate Award from the SEW-EURODRIVE Foundation.
Come together
Anna Kulakovskaya and Stefani Stefanova founded feMTEC, the gender equality association at D-MTEC. Their research may look quite different, but they are united in their determination to fight inequality.
ETH medals for outstanding doctoral theses
ETH President Joel Mesot has awarded two D-MTEC researchers the prestigious ETH Medal for their outstanding doctoral theses. Congratulations to the award winners!
Spring Semester 2022 Course Highlights – Circular Economy, Energy Policy and Learning Strategies
The D-MTEC curriculum is evolving. It now includes a seminar on energy policy and a course on effective learning strategies. Read more for a glimpse into the new courses as well as a description of a seminar on circular-economy-driven business models.
Watch out for fakes
ETH alumna Leonie Flückiger is blazing a trail through the male-dominated world of tech start-ups with her company Adresta. The ETH spin-off uses blockchain-based certificates to authenticate luxury timepieces, which Leonie already invetigated in her Master's thesis at D-MTEC.