Code of Conduct and Respect
ETH Zurich and the Department of Management, Technology, and Economics aim for highest quality in research and teaching with a positive and open atmosphere for all people involved.
Diversity is a key strength of ETH Zurich and central to its reputation as a leading international university. Our community is built on mutual respect for one another. Inappropriate behaviour such as sexual harassment, bullying, discrimination, threats or violence have no place in our university.
Living respect
At ETH Zurich, people with different perspectives and in many varied roles study, do research and work together. By fostering a culture of mutual respect, we create an inclusive and inspiring environment where everyone can develop their full potential and perform at their best.
Intervening in inappropriate situations requires courage. ETH Zurich offers several points of contact if you experience or witness inappropriate behaviour.

Our principles
We ensure that our environment is respectful and professional for all D-MTEC members, including professors, students, lecturers, research, administrative, and technical staff. We also expect visiting academics to uphold our values.
Honesty and integrity in academic matters
We work together in a constructive and honest fashion, where personal integrity is key. We document methods, data, workflows, and results faithfully. We always make a clear distinction between our own work and the work of others. All sources Download are credited correctly (PDF, 59 KB).
Inappropriate behaviour
ETH Zurich encourages its staff and students not to tolerate inappropriate behaviour and to take firm action against bullying, harassment, discribination, threats, violence. The pages below explain what to do if you experience or observe inappropriate behaviour, and where you can get support.
Respect Programme
The Respect Programme supports all members of ETH Zurich with resources for everyday life on campus to foster a collective culture of respect and a values-based, inclusive way of working together.