D-MTEC Highlights 2023
D-MTEC wishes you happy holidays and a fantastic start to the new year! 2023 has been another exciting year in our community. Lean back and enjoy this videocollage with some highlights from last year. We are back on 8 January 2024.
MTEC Day 2023

On 2 December 2023, the MTEC Department honoured its graduates who successfully completed the MSc ETH MTEC and MAS ETH MTEC studies and the D-MTEC doctorate.
The first emba X cohort graduates

28 October 2023 marked a historical milestone for continuing education in Switzerland, as both ETH Zurich and the University of St.Gallen celebrated the successful graduation of the pioneer cohort of their joint Executive MBA programme – the EMBA ETH HSG, known as emba X.
EthonAI Secures CHF 6.27M Seed Funding

On 14 February 2023, EthonAI reported that it had raised CHF 6.27M in seed funding, led by Earlybird Venture Capital and La Famiglia. Incorporated only a year ago, the ETH spin-off provides manufacturers with AI-based defect detection and analysis software.