
The MSc MTEC curriculum consists of courses, an internship and the Master's thesis. A tutor and our programme guidelines will help you to select courses to build your specialisation and fulfil the graduation requirements.

Programme Structure

You must acquire 120 credit points (CP) from courses, an industrial internship, and your Master's thesis to complete the MSc MTEC programme. 

Programme elements

Tutor System

A D-MTEC professor will tutor you in your MSc MTEC studies. They will support you as you select your courses and supervise your Master's thesis.

In your first semester, you will be asked by the MSc MTEC Student Services to indicate a tutor of your choice. A tutor will be assigned to you based on your preference and the other students' preference. You are not entitled to be tutored by a specific D-MTEC professor.

Please note that you cannot choose Professor Robert Finger as a tutor or thesis supervisor for MSc MTEC students.


In consultation with your tutor, you will develop an individual specialisation programme. It combines core and elective courses to deepen knowledge in one subject area. Typically, you will write your Master's thesis in this field.

Credit points earned form the D-MTEC curriculum before enrolment

Students who had already passed courses of the MSc MTEC curriculum before they enrolled in the MSc MTEC programme cannot repeat these courses during their MSc MTEC studies. However, the credit point requirement of respective skill areas where will be reduced accordingly down to a minimum of 42 CP. The total number of you need to acquire during your MSc MTEC studies to graduate (120 CP) does not change.

Programme Guidelines

Below you will find four documents that regulate how the MSc MTEC programme works and help you navigate your course of study.

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