How to deal with Inappropriate Behaviour

This page outlines what to do if you experience or observe inappropriate behaviour such as sexual harassment, bullying, discrimination, threats or violence.  

Inappropriate behaviour

The following types of behaviour will not be tolerated at ETH Zurich and Department MTEC, and can result in disciplinary action or even dismissal:


Regular and systematic behaviour over an extended period with the aim of discrediting, isolating or socially excluding a person or gradually driving them out of their job or study programme.

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Degrading people because of their origin, education, nationality, religion, beliefs, physical abilities, gender or sexual identity.

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Any behaviour that adversely affects the dignity of persons studying or in the workplace. This includes suggestive, disparaging or contemptuous remarks or actions.

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Threats and violence

Actions through which other persons are assaulted, threatened, or physically or psychologically harmed in the course of their study or work.

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How to react to inappropriate behaviour in general

ETH Zurich encourages its staff and students not to tolerate inappropriate behaviour and to take firm action against it. This also requires paying attention and not looking the other way – and if necessary even finding the courage to speak out against these actions.

1. Respond as quickly and firmly as possible

Clarify the situation as quickly as possible. Do not accept discriminatory circumstances or unfair treatment.

2. Set boundaries

Make it clear to the person that you find certain actions or statements unacceptable and ask them to stop this behaviour.

3. Document your situation

Note down exactly what happened and when, under what circumstances, and who may have witnessed it.

4. Seek help

Talk to your supervisor or line manager about the inappropriate behaviour you have experienced if possible or get in touch with one of the other advisory service units at ETH Zurich depending on your individual situation.

5. Issue a formal report in case of harassment or discrimination

You can submit a formal written report to the External Reporting Office once attempts at resolution via your supervisor/line manager or other advisory services have not been successful. A Conflict Manager at the Reporting Office will then review your case, coordinate with specialists and initiate further steps towards finding an amicable solution, towards sanctions under person law, or in exceptional cases towards an administrative investigation depending on the situation. These procedures are outlined in the Regulations on the reporting by ETH Zurich members of inappropriate behaviour.

Limit of reporting period

The time limit to issue a formal report is generally six months from the last incident of inappropriate behaviour. Failure to comply with this deadline means you may forfeit your rights relating to the procedures under these regulations.

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