How to publish job ads
D-MTEC jobs
Please publish job offers at D-MTEC on the ETH job platform. You can find information about the process within the ETH guidelines for recruiting.
External jobs
Please complete the form below to request publishing job offers external to D-MTEC free of charge.
You can place:
- external job offers suitable for D-MTEC graduates,
- external internships for MSc MTEC students, or
- external Master's theses for MSc MTEC students.
Submitted job descriptions will be reviewed to determine whether they fit our student and graduate profiles. We reserve the right to refuse an offer without any further justification.
The maximum publication period is four months. Older advertisements will be deleted. You are welcome to send us a new version of the job offer if you are still looking for applicants after four months. We generally publish up to three job offers per company simultaneously.
Thank you!
Your submission to post a job ad on the D-MTEC website has been recorded. We will get back to you soon.