MTEC Doctorate

The ​MTEC Doctorate builds on the strengths of the department’s faculty offering candidates a well-founded education in the field of management, technology, and economics.

With students and faculty members from more than 50 different nations, the Department of Management, Technology, and Economics (D-MTEC) at ETH Zurich is characterised by a pronounced international outlook and multicultural diversity. Our research groups make for a stimulating intellectual environment and ensure that, as doctoral candidate, you will get the supervision you need on your way to becoming an independent researcher in your field of expertise.

Close links to business and industry, combined with a constant engagement with business practice, ensure that D-MTEC research remains relevant to social and industrial needs.

The doctorate at D-MTEC

A doctorate at D-MTEC comprises a combination of research, study, and teaching. Its key characteristics are:

  • The central element of the doctorate is the research project and thesis, which is carried out under the supervision of a professor and a co-advisor.
  • Complementary to your research, doctoral studies are courses that ensure that you deepen your knowledge within and beyond the subject area of your thesis and master skills important for your future career.
  • Most doctoral candidates have a double status. They are students and at the same time staff members of ETH Zurich.
  • As a doctoral candidate, you will develop teaching skills at the university level by contributing to the instruction given at D-MTEC.
  • The doctorate concludes with the doctoral examination, during which you will defend your doctoral thesis.
  • Upon successful completion of the programme, you will be awarded the title Doctor of Sciences (Dr. sc. ETH Zurich).
  • A doctorate at D-MTEC usually takes about four years to complete.  


Further information

Depending on your current situation, there are several web pages which can help you find information about the doctorate that you need:

General information about the doctorate at ETH Zurich

On this web page you will find comprehensive information about doing a doctorate at ETH Zurich in general.


Find out about the research groups at D-MTEC

This page provides you with an overview of and links to the research groups at D-MTEC which may help you find a supervisor.


Information for enrolled doctoral candidates

The student portal contains specific information for enrolled doctoral candidates at ETH Zurich.


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