External Positions


Internships requirements for MSc MTEC students

  • Internships can be carried out in Switzerland or abroad, in a corporate setting or a public institution. Additional voluntary internships are possible.
  • Before starting an internship, MSc MTEC students must submit an internship plan outlining the assignments, schedule and company supervisors on the MSc MTEC Internship Platform.
  • The submission must be confirmed by .
  • Detailed information can be found on our internship web page.

International internships with IAESTE

IAESTE (International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience) organises paid, course related work experience in over 80 countries for science and engineering students and also offer a limited number of placements in Economics and Business.

external page Open placements

Please note, that not all internships opportunities offered by IAESTE fulfill the internship requirements of the mandatory MSc MTEC internship. Please contact for clarification.

External Job Offers

External Master's Theses

How to publish job offers

You are welcome to send us job and internship descriptions which target our students and alumni. Please send them to us following our guidelines. After a short review we will publish them free of charge.

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